What is Technology?-in recognition of World Telecommunications Day, Vol.6 #16

Our Posterity = Our Children

Enhancing our children's S.T.E.A.M education is imperative to their success and will help them become innovators of the future.

S.T.E.A.M stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.

Hands-on activities helps us to cognitively and visually see how things work. By creating things with our hands, we can understand and appreciate the importance of its existence. We can also become better at:



Critical Thinking

Independent Thinking

Problem Solving


World Telecommunication Day helps to raise awareness of the possibilities that are available from the internet and other information and communication technologies. These technologies can bring together societies and economies.

Right now, the internet and other telecommunication technologies are so important. Whether it is used for virtual learning, working at home or just keeping in touch with our friends and family!

What is Technology?

The word technology can be confusing. When we think of technologies, we think electronics. Our phones, computers and tablets are technologies, but so are many other things we use everyday!

A technology refers to anything that is created to solve a problem or make something easier to do.

Different Types of Technology

Mechanical- Think Simple Machines: lever, inclined plane, screw, wheel and axle, pulley, wedge.

Electronic- Computers, tablets, printers, radios.

Industrial/Manufacturing- Airplanes, satellites, washing machines, dishwashers, robots.

Medical- Blood pressure cuffs, heart monitors, needles, stitches, Band Aids, casts.

Communication- Internet, email, video-based communication.

For more information about the types of technologies visit the Business Matters website!


They way that we can get from one place to another has changed very much since the invention of the wheel. Today, we use technologies like bicycles, cars, trains and planes.

Airplanes allow us to travel to other cities and countries in a short amount of time and also allows us to ship and receive goods from all over the world.

We think of the Wright Brothers as being the pioneers of aviation, but they had to give credit to some else that helped them understand the science behind the flying machine.

George Cayley was an English engineer who was the first person to study the four forces of flight. He is credited with paving the way for future aviators and dreamers!

Visit the NASA website for more information on the History of Flight!

Four Forces of Flight

  • Thrust- Keeps the Place moving forward

  • Drag- Something trying to slow the plane down

  • Lift- What keeps the plane in the air

  • Weight- What is pulling the plane down.

Let's better help our children understand how a plane flies by doing the activity below!



Engineering Activities



Let's Design a Paper Airplane Launcher

Click on the video below for instructions on how to make a paper airplane or your child can design their own!

Now let's make a paper airplane launcher that make your creation fly even farther! You will need materials like:


Rubber bands

Pen or pencil

Paper clips

Tape or stapler

You can also use construction materials to build your launcher such as cardboard, wood or building toys such as LEGO® or K'NEX®.

  1. Have your child design their launcher on a piece or paper.

  2. Let them create the model using the materials above.

If they having trouble you can use this video to give them an idea!

Science Buddies

Please share your pictures and videos, so we can see the Bright and Smart things you are creating!

#STEAM is our Approach

#LEARNING is our Goal
